lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

I have decided to blog!!

Well , I decided that Facebook was getting depressing with my updates, and I think Facebook should be a fun place. Plus, the wall wasn't exactly the most convenient place to update because of the character limit of each entry on the wall. My updates ended up all being backwards.
So, I'll copy them here, and from now on my updates will be blogged. Keep Facebook a fun place. I still need some fun too. :)

2 comentarios:

Ingrid dijo...

Hola Tracy
Que bueno que decidiste hacer este blog.
Mañana pondremos nuestra mejor energia y oraciones para que todo salga bien. Un abrazo de todos nosotros.
Todo va a salir bien!!! Ya verás..

Unknown dijo...

Thank you both for being GOOD! In my prayers and sooo much love for you both! Leah